Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Spencer’s The Analogy of Faith

This one has me pretty excited for the simple reason that it covers an area I’m wrestling with at the moment. I have a host of questions about the truth of human speech about God, its relation to Christology and analogy, plus the phrases “analogy of faith” and the “analogia relationalis”. This book covers all this and spends good time with Barth (whoopie!) and Jüngel (hurray!)

More info can be found here. Thanks to IVP for sending my copy along.

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Some NT related blog discussions

A) Two helpful conversations between McKnight and Campbell

And they are both in the blog comments sections.

This one tackles the notion of the supposed shift from prosopopoiia to parody, as if this is a different thing. This is a really good discussion for those who haven’t read the relevant sections in Beyond Old and New Perspectives on Paul.

This one is a robust conversation about apocalyptic and certain criticism.


B) Then there is the rather epic series, a conversation between Ben Witherington III and John Barclay about JB’s new book, Paul and the Gift. The latest can be found here, but do scroll back through the other 17 posts (!)

C) Here, David Grubbs interviewed me at the Christian Humanist about Paul’s Divine Christology