Friday, June 15, 2018

My Tübingen haul

Nice book haul in Tübingen, today, though I'm not sure when I'll find the time to read them as these days my other responsibilities have a way of consuming my time… But first up is Hans-Joachim Höhn's Essays über Identität und Heimat, which touches upon a very important subject that receives far too little by way of theological reflection.

Next is Seewald's Dogma im Wandel, which might be of interest to those thinking theologically about "a generous orthodoxy" with Graham Tomlin. The author is the astonishingly freshfaced but clearly talented Seewald, who is also the youngest theology professor in Germany. Very impressive!

Gisbert Greshake, who wrote a massive volume on the Trinity, turns to Christian hope. He seems to end up advocating a universal  hope.

Finally, Körtner's Dogmatik, which is part of the Lehrwerk Evangelische Theologie, is not one I set out to purchase, but so many sentences grabbed my attention I just had to bag it. I felt enriched just skimming it!

Here are the planned volumes with the those in charge in brackets: