Gordon Wenham
Today I had the pleasure of introducing Prof. Gordon Wenham for a guest lecture to our second year OT class. At the start of the year I specifically decided to decline giving lectures on two OT themes, namely 'holiness' and 'righteousness and justification'. For obvious reasons. So it was a real honour to have him speak to us on the matter of 'holiness'. Besides, Gordon is a world-class internationally renowned OT scholar, and I'm, well, still wondering if Adam had a bellybutton or not. A true gentleman if ever there was one, here is a picture we took of Gordon and myself today.

I'm surprised you weren't showing your belly-button.
In future, might I suggest standing BEHIND people who are quite a bit thinner than you are? That's my own personal rule, based on overall size and especially on the size of my cranium...
he is a very nice person indeed.
Can you let him know I have loved his Greek textbook ;-)
greek textbook? that is his father, john wenham. amazing family of 4 sons who are all in f/t ministry. david (the NT guy who took after their father) is now at trinity bristol together with gordon.
He leads the Post-Grad research seminars at Trinity which I attend. If u want to meet Wenham again come and join us, at Trintiy college, for a post grad session.... You could ask him the belly button question
Here's a Wenham story:
I spent a year in Paris before going to Cheltenham with the explicit intention of studying under him. One day I went to pick up a friend from the airport. An English girl heard us speaking English so she asked me for directions to the bus stop. Seeing as we were going there anyway we went together and struck up a conversation. Emabarassed at my appalling French I made the excuse that I was learning Hebrew for my forthcoming MA. She said, "How interesting, my dad's an OT theologian." I said: "really, what's his name?" And then she said, "Gordon Wenham." And then I yelled something obsene into her face, at which she said, "Not really, but thanks for the offer." I apologized, having gotten over the shock, and then spent the next hour chatting to her about, well, her dad.
The first time I sat in one of Wenham's lectures, he came up to me and said "Are you the chap who met my daughter at the airport in Paris?" To which I said, "Yes," and so he was incredibly kind to me for the rest of the programme. It's due to his generosity that I reckon I have one of the biggest G. Wenham libraries around!
sheesh, either he is really skinny or you are really phat!
At least this speaker seems happy to be pictured with you Chris!!
Umm, anthony, I knew that, hence the smiley face!
I must admit I didn't know they were related.
Okay, so there's no excuse for this since I don't know you and all but I've tagged for an entertainingly randon meme the rules of which you can find on my blog. Enjoy!
Wenham in his commentary on Genesis takes the ancients and their flat earth cosmology seriously, as does John Walton of Wheaton in his NIV APPLICATION COMMENTARY on GENESIS
It's Evangelical O.T. scholars like Wenham and Walton who at least have a chance of helping today's young-earth creationists reconsider their naive literalist interpretations of the primeval history chapters of Genesis.
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