Some will have noticed that my blog has been less concerned with serious exegetical or academic issues of late. The reason being - I’ve given myself a break from work for the last few days, and I won’t be returning to the mill till Tuesday or Wednesday. I’ll still be posting but it’ll hopefully be entirely unrelated to Pauline exegesis!
Then at the end of the week, I may be heading off to Switzerland, Basel, with a friend for a weekend break (this may have something to do with a certain Karlos Barthus I admit). Any suggestions as to what to visit?
Via simoncito, I recently came across this extremely mixed bag of rather scary Fundie art. Here are a couple of examples which should be enough to scare the big Jessie out of most of us:

Crikey, that is one ugly atheist. At least now we all know what they look like....
Mr. Atheist looks like a cross between King Kong and Fred Flintstone. Now I know what to be on the lookout for ...
You might want to ask Dave Black about hot spots in Basel.
Athiest guy looks a lot like a Jack Chick creation. [Follow the link at your own risk - and dismay] Scary to think that I actually grew up reading Chick tracts.
I recently read a story about a time when Barth was taking a bus ride in Basel. He noticed a fellow on the bus who was obviously a tourist and asked him if there was anything in particular he would like to see while he was there. The man said that he was an admirer of the great theologian Karl Barth and would like to meet him. He asked Barth, "Do you know him?" Barth said, "Oh, yes, I shave him every day." The man went away telling all of his friends that he had met Barth's barber.
Whatever you do, take the bus.
Hi Paul!
Great little story that!
And yes, I've come across the Chick stuff before. I may not remeber correctly (perhaps on another webpage), but I seem to recall a drawn timeline that was filled with important dates till the time of the apostles, then nothing (!) till the 20th century!
Me thinks the artists doesn't think too highly of atheists.
Alan, who is Dave Black?
Are you going to visit Karl Barth's house?
That's the plan, Ben! he is a NT prof at sebts. He did his doctoral work at Basel under Bo Ricke.
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