And the winner is ...
The winner of the Jim West caption competition is ... Ben Myers

“His body was braced for action, his spectacles glistened in the sunlight, his dark eyes gleamed with a steel resolve. When at last he spoke, his voice cut through the air with icy determination: "I won first prize last year, and I'll damn-well do it again this year!" And so, off he went to the local spelling bee.”
As I promised, the prize is a bottle of CTRVHM Holy Phlegm ™ (smear on body to cure all sickness and deliver from all demons). To cut down on post and package, I thought I would simply cough up a load when I meet Ben at SBL - fill up a coffee cup. Alternatively, I could simply try to gob on him as much as I can throughout the congress. Either way, Ben will be glad to hear that he will receive a double portion of my phlegmtastic anointing - quite the gift.
Please, for you own sake, don't use the phrase "gob on him" here in the States when you arrive or you will discover a Senator in a stall next to you making you an unseemly offer of the depraved sort.
(And did the winner really need to be an Aussie? Those people are crazy!)
Well done, Ben.
Though I should have known someone living in Germany would give extra credit for using many more words than necessary.
I'll admit that Ben's was funny but you gotta admit that it was a bit long for a 'caption' -- Now if this was a short story contest then he should have won hands down.
Fantastic! And your Holy Phlegm will come in very handy, since just this morning I came down with an unpleasant fever. I'm not sure if this is a sickness or a demon — but since the phlegm "cures all sickness and delivers from all demons", I reckon it should be covered....
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