Starting the series on Bauckham's Jesus and the Eyewitnesses

For your reading pleasure I will post his response to the following questions, probably Monday:
- In a nutshell, what is the main argument of Jesus and the Eyewitnesses?
- What first provoked your thinking to study the role of eyewitness testimony in early Christianity? When did you first suspect there was need for a fresh study?
- How does the category of eyewitness testimony help to bridge the gap between the so-called historical Jesus and the Christ of faith?
- You argue that the Gospel of John was written by John the Elder, an eyewitness who had been with Jesus for his entire ministry. How should one then account for the differences between the Fourth Gospel and the Synoptics?
- The eyewitness inclusio you argue is evident in Mark and consciously appropriated and changed by John and Luke, is not present in the Gospel of Matthew. What is the significance of this for our understanding of Matthew’s Gospel?
For example, Wright speaks of Bauckham’s ‘unparalleled knowledge of the world of the first Christians to argue not only that the Gospels do indeed contain eyewitness testimony but that their first readers would certainly have recognized them as such. This book is a remarkable piece of detective work, resulting in a fresh and vivid approach to dozens, perhaps hundreds, of well-known problems and passages.’
Stanton claims the book ‘shakes the foundations of a century of scholarly study of the Gospels’ and rightly points out that ‘There are surprises on every page’.
Meanwhile, Hengel also lavishes heavy praise in writing: ‘I have not read such a stimulating monograph about Jesus research in a long time’, calling it ‘a pioneer work’ which ‘ought to be read by all theologians and historians working in the field of early Christianity’.
By the way, when the likes of Hengel writes of a work that it displays ‘broad learning’, ‘high scholarly standards and astute arguments’, you realise that this is a work to be taken very seriously.
As I wrote to Richard in personal correspondance: ‘Personally speaking, reading your book has been a highly stimulating and educational experience, and I’m very excited to see how it will be received. To be honest, I’ve not read a book before with such a power blend of broad learning, careful and economic exegesis, and theological refinement’.
Labels: Book Review, Jesus and the Eyewitnesses
Great Job Chris. I mentioned your post on my blog.
Brilliant Chris. Thanks for the update and for setting up the interview for us all to read. Isn't it remarkable how much excitment there has been in anticipation of this work?
I'll be reading with interest!
Is it possible to actually *buy* this book yet? (I was tempted to write "at long last?"). It has been talked about in various places and forums for many months and yet very frustratingly has failed to appear on bookstore shelves!
Excellent work - I will also be blogging on this.
John Sabatino
Has Bauckham found one other complete eyewitness testimony from ancient history where the author did not identify himself?
Are Mark and John the only two ancient , complete works of eyewitness testimony where the author never identified himself.
Or a history where there is no attempt at chronology, such as Mark's Gospel?
Why would the author of Matthew have changed so much of Mark?
For example, Mark has Jesus claiming 'do not defraud' as one of the commandments, Matthew drops that.
Mark 5:1 specifies that the eastern side of the lake of Galilee is the country of the Gerasenes . This is more than 30 miles from a lake . This caused a lot of confusion as can by seen by the variety of names in the texts here.
Matthew changed Mark's Gerasenes to Gadarenes in Matthew 8:28. Gadara was a well-known spa only eight miles from the lake.
Mark 6:14-27 repeatedly refers to Herod Antipas as a "king." Matthew commits this error only once (14:9). The correct title 'tetrarch' appears in Matthew 14:1, Luke 3:19, Luke 9:7, Acts 13:1, but not once in Mark's Gospel
Mark 6:17 says that Antipas
married the wife of his brother Philip. According to Josephus, Antiquities. 18.5.4, she was actually the wife of a different brother.
And so on, and so on...
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