As is clear form my last post, we went to Tübingen centre today and I took along with me my brother-in-law's camera. Unfortunately, the battery ran out after a few shots, but here are a few that may be of interest (clcik on them to zoom):

This is the entrance to the very best biblical/theological library perhaps on the entire planet. I have 115 books on loan at the moment – and I don’t have to give most of them back for a
long time.

This is the other entrance, the older, quainter one. That’s Anja posing for the camera!

For those of you who do academic theological research, chances are you know the importance of the WUNT series, and the Mohr Siebeck publishing house.

This is the book shop that I almost had to ram-raid for a copy of Barth’s CDs. Gladly I don't have to anymore, but I’ll wait to ‘spill the beans’ on how this has all developed.

This is the church in which Moltmann, Jüngel etc. preach in every now and then.
to be contínued when Chris remebers to recharge the camera battery ...
Man, I wanna go to Germany and hang out with you guys! Cool pics!
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