Winds of Worship 7 (Final)

Dance Floor Diva
Unto Thee we declare our High-Calivinist supralapsarianism,
For our anthropopathism is only Moltmannian,
And not an anthropomorphic objectification,
For that would be mere antinomianism,
And not part of our catechism,
I could sing of the Homoousios (not homoiousios) forever
I could sing of the Homoousios (not homoiousios) forever
I could sing of the Homoousios (not homoiousios) forever
I could sing of the Homoousios (not homoiousios) forever X16
Nor do we honour naïve eisegesis, at thine Altar,
Nor a Gnostic hermeneutic that would
deny the Hypostatic union,
And affirm some kind of Sabellian Modalism
We love a critical critical realist epistemological exegesis
Away with Pelagius and in with sola gratia
And sine qua non, the parthenogenesisia
Away with pre-millennial, pre-tribulationism
And anachronistic scholastic individualism
maybe, Lord, in with a redeemed Preterism?
© Chris Tilling Really Very Holy Ministries (CTRVHM), 2006
Great work, Chris -- poetically and theologically disastrous at the same time!
Anyway, at least this one should satisfy all those annoying people who complain that "there just doesn't seem to be enough content in our worship..."
Thank you, Ben. Apart from the 'disastrous' bit!
Indeed, this one is dedicated to all complainers everywhere, that CTRVHM cannot produce songs of theological substance. Although I thought 'Hip Hip' was pretty deep as well.
P.S., to keep this as obscure as possible: I am so looking forward to a certain package arriving ... I feel like a kid on christmas eve!
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