NT Christology

- Richard Bauckham, God Crucified: Monotheism and Christology in the New Testament (Carlisle: Paternoster, 1998).
- W. Bousset, Kyrios Christos (New York: Abingdon, 1970).
- O. Cullmann, The Christology of the New Testament 2nd Ed., reprint, 1957 (London: SCM, 1963).
- J.D.G. Dunn, Christology in the Making (London: SCM, 1980).
- Mehrdad Fatehi, The Spirit’s Relation to the Risen Lord in Paul: An Examination of Its Christological Implications, WUNT II (Tübingen: Mohr, 2000).*
- R.H. Fuller, The Foundations of New Testament Christology (New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1965).
- F. Hahn, The Titles of Jesus in Christology: Their History in Early Christianity, reprint, 1963 (New York: World Publishing, 1969).
- M. Hengel, The Son of God (Philadelphia: Fortress, 1976)
- Larry W. Hurtado, Lord Jesus Christ: Devotion to Jesus in Earliest Christianity (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2003) - and his One God, One Lord (London: SCM, 1988). OK, so I’m cheating, this is two books ...
- H.P. Liddon, The Divinity of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ (7th ed.). Eight lectures preached before the university of Oxford in 1866 (London: Rivingtons, 1875).
I am new to the blog scene but enjoy your blog and your taste in music!
Excellent post. Little lexical help: "Mischanspielungen"
Hi Alan,
'Mixed [or ambiguous?] allusions'
Hey there Chris,
Stumbled onto your site through your interest in NT Theology. I'm a Canadian guy with an interest in that too. I was at Manchester when Bauckham did "God Crucified" as the Didsbury Lectures, and remember it well. Sweet man, too. Anyway, thanks for your writing here.
Hi Matthew,
Thanks for popping by. You are right, Richard is a wonderfully friendly man - and very humble for one of the greatest NT scholars alive.
Thanks Chris, that was my translation as well. Okay here is another "Exulanten." These are words that all my lexical sources fail to provide an entry. I figured it's is always good to ask a living source. I think the word refers to worship.
'those who exalt'
last one: anzubeten
I believe it is an imperative to worship.
No, anzubeten normally means that's it's an imperative, and comes at the end of the sentence. So, simply 'to worship'.
Nice new blog layout btw!
Thanks a bunch for everything.
No problem, though, Alan, I just realised I wrote 'imperative' instead of 'infinitive in the last comment. Sorry!
What do you think of Moule's "Origins of Christology"?
Just curious.
Hi Dan,
This book by Moule was on my 'short list'. I think it is an important book and ahead of its time. The originality of the book is mostly to be found in the second part, after his titular analysis.
He is quite correct, I think, to draw attention to the 'transcendent' nature of Paul's experience of Christ, but he treats this phenomenon in too narrow a way - attaching too much emphasis to the 'in Christ' language, and missing other less ambiguous instances. Furthermore, he isn't clear enough on how he draws his conclusions through - at least in my opinion!
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