Chrys Caragounis comments

“... I would like to alert you to my web page ( which ought to have further materials of interest both about pronunciation and about the importance of later Greek for the exegesis of the New Testament. Besides, it is taking up new writings of mine (studies, comments, debate points, etc.) as they are written / appear.I want to thank Chrys for this helpful information, and for alerting me to his webpage which had somehow alluded my initial research. It is really worth a look and has all sorts of useful resources - all the more so as he plans to update it with further studies and comments etc.
In it you will also find my Response to a polemical ‘review’ by Moises Silva (both published in the last issue of WTJ 2005) as well as a Reply to Silva’s “Rejoinder” to my Response, the latter of which was published in the same Journal and issue. My Reply to his Rejoinder could not be published in the WTJ, so it appears on my web site.
How grossly Silva has misrepresented me you can easily see by comparing the wholly different evaluations by Prof Keith Elliott in Novum Testamentum, Leiden, last issue of 2005 and Prof Peter van der Horst (Prof at Utrecht) in Nederlands Theologische Tijdschrift first issue in 2005. See also the forthcoming review by Prof Gilbert van Belle et. al. (Leuven) in Ephemerides Theologicae Lovanienses, first issue of 2006.
With kind regards,
Chrys C. Caragounis”
In particular, I want to draw attention to Chrys’ response to Silva’s review of his book The Development of Greek and the New Testament. Some of you may remember, I have posted before on a matter of contention I had with Silva’s ‘Greek Fathers Principle’, one that I will perhaps develop into an article. Here is not the place to speak my full mind, nevertheless, I will at least say that I am in real sympathy with Chrys’ reaction to Silva’s review for the simple fact that Silva’s manner of criticism (a tad overly assertive) has never been to my taste.
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