A thought about pneumatology in Luke-Acts

Preparing a lecture on Luke-Acts recently it struck me how many of the pneumatological debates between charismatics, Pentecostals and non-charismatics can be dealt with by recognising that pneumatology, in Luke-Acts, is a subset of restoration eschatology. Of course, my own supervisor, Max Turner, is the main man on this subject (cf. his classic Power from on High: The Spirit in Israel's Restoration and Witness in Luke-Acts) so this realisation should have hit me sooner! The cure for the endless logic chopping in terms of one's own experience and the allowing of inappropriate driving questions (e.g. was I filled [or baptised] with the Spirit after or at the same time as I was 'saved'?) is to wrestle with the eschatological-geographical-restoration shape of Luke-Acts.
By the way, regarding the artwork for this post, that I used a Maronite icon instead of a picture of Benny Hinn or a crass Jehovah Witness style picture of a dove, will hopefully make people think I am a bit more cultured than I actually am. Which is a good thing. *Reaches for a second Sugar-Puff Sandwich*
it struck me how many of the pneumatological debates between charismatics, Pentecostals and non-charismatics can be dealt with by recognising that pneumatology, in Luke-Acts, is a subset of restoration eschatology.... The cure for the endless logic chopping in terms of one's own experience and the allowing of inappropriate driving questions (e.g. was I filled [or baptised] with the Spirit after or at the same time as I was 'saved'?) is to wrestle with the eschatological-geographical-restoration shape of Luke-Acts.
And once one does wrestle with these things in Luke-Acts, what does one realize such that one is able to stop having these debates? I.e., what are the obvious answers to these questions that divide Charismatics, Pentecostals and non-Charismatics?
I am 100% with Max (and you) on the theological location of the pneumatology of Acts within a restortion-of-Israel eschatology. Indeed it is central to my own dubious theology.
How does that solve the debates you mentioned? Not entirely sure I see what you are seeing. Is it simply that the debates are about issues that Acts is not dealing with?
Enlighten me oh man of culture!
What makes such questions inappropriate?
well I would most certainly prefer that icon/picture over a picture of Benny Hinn with a halo or his throwing a white coat in the shape of a dove at some body.
HAve you read Roger Stronstad's little book The Charismatic Theology of Luke Acts?
I do not understand what you mean by saying that the realisation of restoration eschatology will resolve this fight?
Please elaborate more if you like, however, your icon is just amazing. you could add Benny's picture right in the middle of disciples with a halo dressed in a white coat.
I'm more concerned with the 2nd sugar puff sandwich. I can recommend some great alternatives - fishfinger and tomato sauce or cheese with salt & vinegar pringles or peanut butter with honey!
Thanks for your comments, people! I will respond to the key point (why restoration eschatology solves some of the debates) in a post on the main blog - just way too busy at the moment to type something thought-through!
Hi Nick, "What makes such questions inappropriate?"
Not "inappropriate questions" but "inappropraite driving questions". But as I said, I'll get to the basic point in a post on the main blog (though not tonight)
May I recommend the new book on this subject from Paternoster? Ritual Water, Ritual Spirit.
Thanks, David, and congrats on the publication!
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