Thanks to Richard Bauckham

A huge thanks to Richard Bauckham for kindly sending me a signed copy of his new Mohr Siebeck collection of essays, The Jewish World around the New Testament – a book I mentioned previously here.
It is almost all I've been reading for the last few days ... it makes for hundreds of pages of immensely stimulating reading, and not a few 'aha' moments.
Sometimes the depth of Richard's scholarship is quite intimidating for those of us who spend hours every day in research but still know we are light years behind in knowledge. But I noticed that the oldest essay in this collection was published in 1976 – just a year after I was born! Somehow that comforted me!
My thanks again, Richard. Not sure if the "I'll send you my book when it is published" line really carries too much significance, but I will do!
I'll be sure to pass on your thanks when I see him in July! ;-)
Wow, I hope it becomes available at a much cheaper price. Amazon has it at $279!
I was about to ask, but dang--Jeremy answered my question already...
Is it Baker who sometimes publish Mohr Siebek volumes cheaper (like Pitre's, Chrys Caragounis' etc.)
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