Scripture's Doctrine and Theology's Bible

I've got to tell you, this has an unusually high number of fascinating want to read instantly essays, and by big name contributors. J. Ross Wagner (The Septuagint and the "Search for the Christian Bible"); Markus Bockmuehl (Is There a New Testament Doctrine of the Church?); R.W.L. Moberly (Johannine Christology and Jewish-Christian Dialogue); N.T. Wright (Reading Paul, Thinking Scripture); John Webster (Rowan Williams on Scripture); Alan J. Torrance (Can the Truth Be Learned? Readressing the "Theologistic Fallacy" in Modern Biblical Scholarship); Oliver O'Donovan (The Moral Authority of Scripture); Kevin J. Vanhoozer (The Apostolic Discourse and Its Developments) ... and I can go on. What an incredibly inviting line-up!
Scripture's doctrine is based on Church tradition, while theology's bible is the interpretaion of the 'bible". No thanks, as this is disconnected from the real world. It is an attempt at philosophizing about God, man and life.
Life is too complex to theologize along those lines alone. I choose not to believe in the text of tradition as "truth". Truth is much larger than any defined, confined, and in-group mentality...I don't care for that type of prejuidice...
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