Eckstein sampler

Between 1996 and 2001 he was Professor of NT at the Theological Faculty of the University of Heidelberg. Since 2001, he has been Professor of NT and the Protestant-Theological Faculty of the University of Tübingen (Lehrstuhl für Neues Testament II).
His numerous academic publications are listed here. However, he also writes at a popular level, of which a list can be found here.
He is a very tall and typically German looking man. But we ought not hold that against him as he is also a delightful and energetic Christian with a brilliant mind!
I've just found the following on the net for download:
- Der aus Glauben Gerechte wird leben - Eine Einführung (an introduction to his book Der aus Glauben Gerechte wird leben)
- Gott wird Mensch (an essay)
- Interview mit Paulus zur Auferstehung (book sample)
- Rechtfertigungstheologie als Zentrum paulinischer Theologie (an article)
- Wenn Gott sich zuvorkommt (book sample)
- Das Wesen des christlichen Glaubens (book sample *a really interesting looking one!*)
- Die Wirklichkeit der Auferstehung Jesu (book sample)
(The links don't work when I try to add them to my blog (?), so I'll simply say where they were found, namely on this website, then click on Neues Testament, then the Prof. Dr. Hans-Joachim Eckstein link, then finally Texte zum Downloaden)
UPDATE: I've found an easier way: simply click on this link! HAH! You weren't clever enough Mr Tübingen Uni Webmaster.
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