Söding's Die Verkündigung Jesu

Thanks to my parents for the arrival of my birthday present, a copy of Thomas Söding's new book, Die Verkündigung Jesu - Ereignis und Erinnerung. I have eagerly waited a few months for this as I have previously found myself in agreement with him on a number of significant matters. The book begins excellently.
Die neutestamentliche Theologie ist keine Monotonie, auch keine Kakophonie, sondern eine Polyphonie mit einer ganzen Reihe von Dissonanzen, aber einer klar erkennbaren GrundmelodieNice. Musical metaphors are of great service to the theologian, as Jeremy Begbie so brilliantly shows.
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Really good stuff.
Thanks, guys
Very good start indeed! Soding is a very nice guy and is considered a conservative in Germany ... he took us on a tour of Munster after a lecture he gave last year...
Thanks Frederik, yes I thought he was considered as a conservative. I guess it is all relative – I doubt he would be considered conservative in America!
very best wishes
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