Chrisendom glossolalia and interpretation
David Ker recently posted on glossolalia, and because he happened to mention me a certain Peter Kirk seized his opportunity and exclaimed:
"As for Chris Tilling, I can understand why Jim gives him such a hard time"
What the hell?! Persecution!
Glossolalia: "Kiwi mah ma bung giftteemax imo banjo beeeum poomarkswiftworthy Mr Kirk slip dunk skdit bhwosidth sdkh! karate kid weiu ueif ywqplcxnf duwiel! dhsido? sdlkjq0gjn, sdld, tqnod, thewioghs wehros q wepop hfow"

Interpretation: "Calling on all angels, cherubims, living creatures and intermediary figures to give Mr Kirk a convincing dose of 'karate kid' wax on wax off in the head department, till his face resembles a damaged Picasso, the snot from his nose is removed, and righteosness is imparted in a restorative type way"
At least that was my interpretation.
Tomorrow, I will post a superb book review by one of the smartest up-coming scholars I know, so stay tuned.
Wow- talk about a wrong interpretation! The real and authentic transcription of this message is as follows:
"shambala goeoes towefwc milele gooef poerwewl tosete'!
You misheard- and it means
"Chris Tilling is a saint and he must always be heeded except when he speaks about NT Wright, Paul, Zwingli, Luther, Calvin, or himself"
How did you get a copy of my new book?
Thanks for praying such a powerful blessing over me. I am believing for healing for the cold which is causing my nose problems. And if I look like a damaged Picasso, well, I don't have to look at myself except when shaving.
"Chris Tilling is a saint and he must always be heeded except when he speaks about NT Wright, Paul, Zwingli, Luther, Calvin, or himself"
Which doesn't leave much I do talk about!
Peter, my pleasure ;-)
no no, you're all wrong, clearly you have not been speaking in tongues for long chris... anyone with the gift of interpretation can tell you
"Kiwi mah ma bung giftteemax imo "
blueberry smelly happy native distance to alaska
and that doesn't make any sense at all...
you need to be closer in touch with the Lord so you can be fruitful in your prayer
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