Hanging in my study
Hanging in Jim West's study are framed pictures, unsurprisingly, of Zwingli, Luther, Bultmann etc (though I bet he's got a depraved 'Cheerleaders in Soap-suds' calendar up behind his books somewhere, as well). If I remember rightly (I may not have), Ben Myers once posted about various decorations in his study. He showed pictures of a Bultmann bust he owns! A damn bust!
My study ... well, I say 'study'. It really is a study, but it is also my lounge and dining room! ... is a different matter. Instead of a bust of Bultmann or Barth, or a portrait of a great theologian or thinker, I have, and have had so for years, hanging next to my desk:

Does my lack of sophistication worry me? Nope.
What? No shrine to the inimitable Nicholas Thomas Wright? How do you expect to be inspired?
Oh so much better than a bust! (Well, unless the best is something more than some dead guy's head....)
Man my space is boring compared to all that. I have a few icons, a angel warrior my friend Zara Leaf painted, an award certificate from a game I was 'most jovial' at and a share certificate for my numbered company. Yawwwwnnnn.
I have a cell phone that goes coocoo when there is a message. I had just finished praying over an older chap at church one night when the phone decided to tell me there was message. I almost peed myself. (I definitely would have blamed the Spirit if I actually peed myself, good Charismatic that I am).
Yep...love it as a good charismatic I am also...
One night at church I was locking up the toilet which was across the graveyard and some *ghost hunters came and planted them selves on a grave and started talking to each other.
As they settled down I walked past them saying no ghosts here in a real deep low voice and scared the oops out of them. It led to a real interesting discussion about demons, God, Jesus etc.
*There is a local ghost hunting tour mob and we had to tell them not to come because of legal and ethical reasons - so they would tell the group they can't go there as a group but there are a few ghosts......
I have some Transformers in my study: very inspirational.
I have a carved wooden Buddha, marble Ganeesh, china Shiva, a plaster sphinx, a brass cat, carving of the angel Gabriel, marble Sappho (dead head) Plato and Socrates bookends (on thrones), Krishna, another small copper head of that famous Egyptian woman, St Veronica's Handkerchief on the wall ... along with hats and bright dyed wall hangings and more. And then a bed, benchtop and stove, 7 bookcases full and a desk - one room living. I suppose I'm a heretic but it's all inspirational.
Thanks for the laughs!
Steph, you are so dodge.
nick, so true. I need a bust of Tom!
CB, my mind is far too pure to understand you there.
Dodge ... as an adjective? Sounds very British - what does it mean? Artful maybe, more than likely an insult from you!
Please, kind sir - what does it mean?
"Dodge" is a fun, light-hearted English expression, used to convey the notion of doctrinal suspiciousness!!
Well well well, I've never heard that before (surprisingly?) ... thank you very much Chris, I'm flattered:-)!
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