Second hand bookshop emptying

Now I know as well as perhaps you do, there is no such thing as a three volume Complete Works of Jüngel’s publications (if only), but today I found myself in Tübingen looking through a couple of second hand book shops, and what did I find ...
... the superb four volume set of Jüngel’s sermons, all half price!
However, each book was still €9, and I knew that the old “I’ve been having prophetic dreams about buying these, darling” line wouldn’t be the easiest to pull off, so I left them on the shelf. (Had I purchased them, my preferred dream interpretation was something like: “Kasparov was Beelzebub stopping me in my heavenly mission to buy the Jüngel sermon books, darling”). Speaking of Jüngel, you may want to see this.
However, I did buy a number of other books:
By Jürgen Moltmann (which I got really cheap) and which I’m terribly excited about:
- Kirche in der Kraft des Geistes: ein Beitrag zur messianischen Ekklesiologie, (München: Kaiser, 1975)
- Der Weg Jesu Christi: Christologie in messianischen Dimensionen, (München: Kaiser, 1989)
- Erfahrungen theologischen Denkens : Wege und Formen christlicher Theologie, (Gütersloh : Kaiser, Gütersloher Verlagshaus, 1999)
- Wegzeichen in die Zukunft: Programmatisches für eine christlichere Kirche, (Reinbek bei Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1980)
- 20 Thesen zum Christsein, (München : Piper, 1975)
Glorious days.
Sure am jealous (though I must admit can't read german so in a sense it just doesn't really matter.)
Wish we had some good used book shops here in Iowa that carried good used theological books....actually there is a farily decent book shop down in Iowa City but I don't make it there as much as I would like, and they don't usually seem to have in stock works by the folks I'd really be interested in reading (those books must be owned by folks who don't want to give them up) Ah well. Enjoy your spoils!
Hi Jim,
I get confused between you and Jim West sometimes - but this time I knew for sure it was you as his German is real good. I would actually prefer if I could find some more in English, believe me. I can read German, but not like I can English. Not yet.
those books must be owned by folks who don't want to give them up I would be one guilty as charged were I in Iowa!
Hi Chris,
what bookshop is that? I'm getting envious... But in order to soothe my envy I should say that you have to use the translations of Käsemann etc. for your PhD...and I have a (photo)copy of those articles...
Grreetings, Volker
I'll sign jim b. then you won't get confused...
i would love to here you response to moltmann's the way of jesus christ.
Hi Volker, the pipe smocker had a couple of Moltmann's. Then over the road for a few more - they've recently got a few more books in.
Good idea Jim B!
Joshua, I'll perhaps share my thoughts here as I go through it - but serious study will be a while, I'll only be dipping in now and then for now. Have you read it?
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