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The P T Forsyth Files: Dancing in the Crisis
My own undergrad theological studies took place in St Andrews and so I have a soft-spot for anything associated with the University-town, especially St Mary's College. Actually, I remember thinking it would be a great place to ask Anja to marry me - on the long pier next to the old castle (I know, horridly corny), but I apparently couldn’t wait that long as I popped the question before we arrived for our short visit. She said ‘yes’, so that’s the main thing!
Anyway, I asked Jason to say something about himself and his blog for this post, and he kindly wrote the following:
“‘The Forsyth Files’ grew out of the hope that I may discover some others who share an interest in things Forsythian and wish to discuss both his theology and how his thought can make a valuable contribution to current theological debate, engagement with the world, and ministry practice. I’m currently working on a PhD project in which I’m engaging with Forsyth’s thought on sanctification - indeed, the sanctification of all things - in Christ.”A fascinating sounding doctorate, I think you’ll agree! For those who don’t know, Forsyth (1848-1921) was a scottish Congregationalist theologian who in some ways it seems anticipated the theological contours of Barth, even if there was no direct influence on Barth himself - so I’m told. Forsyth, having originally studied under Ritschl, ended up strongly rejecting the liberal and sentimental view of the ‘fatherhood of God’ by emphasising the seriousness of sin and the holiness of God – matters that came to expression particularly in his doctrine of atonement. Though he became far less theologically liberal, he always kept and used the biblical-critical tools he learnt in Germany.
Anyway, I hope this is a fairly accurate portrayal of the man – if not I’m sure Jason will point out in the notes!
To some of Jason’s recent posts: Those in the UK will hopefully be attracted to this post, others interested in the universalism debate to this post. But there is much more - just scroll down and check it all out.
In particular, his comments on censorship caught my attention. Jason asks: ‘When you remember the Tiananmen Square massacre of ‘89, what do you think of? Well when you google images of ‘Tiananmen', these are what Americans see and This is what the Chinese see.’
I would also add, the Germans and Brits see exactly the same as the Americans. Just try scrolling through further China-Google hit pages until you manage to find a picture of a tank! A remarkable demonstration of censorship in action!
Anyway, keep up the good work Jason!
Plus he's got some great links. Check out the audio section in which I discovered a Stanley Hauerwas lecture I was unaware of.
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