Paul’s Christology really is Divine, you know!

I will say more about the whole thing at a later date, but I am already very grateful for some generous comments from a couple who have read earlier drafts, here and here and especially here.
But of course, the thing hasn't been published quite yet, and something Mark Goodacre wrote a while back has been haunting me. Responding to the recent RBL innovation, namely immediate scholarly rejoinders to reviews, he writes:
“I must admit to mixed feelings about this. On one level, it could help to hold reviewers to account. But on the other hand, it is part of the academic experience to learn to cope with reviews of your work with which you may disagree. I wonder if the ease of a blog-comment response will encourage too many authors to respond too quickly and too negatively to critiques of their work that may -- on reflection -- help them”Truly wise words, these.
(see Goodacre’s entire post here)
So in anticipation I have generated a selection of responses to the critical reviews I sincerely hope my argument generates:
- “You sayin that cos yo momma's so fat her cerial bowl comes with a lifeguard”
- “After that review, you should do some serious soul-searching. Maybe you'll find one.”
- “I would agree with you, but that would make us both wrong”
- “Random jabs at a keyboard could have produced a more coherent criticism”
- “Had I eaten a bowl of alphabet soup, my bowel movement could have produced a better argument than that”
and my personal favourite, that wonderful onamatopoetic word: - “Pff”
I'm excited!
(Good to see that it is as affordable as everything else published in that series...)
Thanks, Dan, depending on what happens to the euro, this might convert to $10!
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