Videos and Audios from the Douglas Campbell Conference

Beyond Old and New Perspectives on Paul: A conference critically engaging Douglas Campbell's book, The deliverance of God. Held at King's College London on December 16-17, 2011
It was a unique and memorable experience, and an honour to help organise and contribute to (ooo, ending a sentence with a preposition, naughty me). I spoke to introduce the conference, talk about Campbell, Athanasius and Paul, and finally faith language in Galatians. I was very grateful for and inspired by the brilliant and searching contributions of all participants, many thanks, it was everything I hoped it would be. Of course, special kudos to Douglas Campbell, for his book and his riveting papers. A (smaller than Deliverance of God!) book will be published by Wipf&Stock next year, largely coming out of this, and I will give more info about that later. And finally, my sincere thanks to Kings College London, and especially Eddie Adams and Richard Burridge, who made this possible. So, if you fancy watching videos or downloading the audio of all sessions, click … / media / paulconf2011
* Please do check out GCI’s incredible online video library, by the way; they have some seriously helpful entries.