Chrisendom reopens for business

Yes, you read right. Your favourite blog is about to reopen* – back to correct the torrent of lunatic slop that smears your computer screens like the remnants of an old sneeze, back, bringing forth holy stuff and theological precision, speaking the truth in ... ways the make me look cleverer than others.
First off ...
*Drum roll*
I will begin my summary review of Douglas Campbell's magisterial volume The Deliverance of God.
'What, another review of that flippin book?'
Yes. The best yet. And I'll use longer words than others.
Second off
*drum roll*
per usual, and fairly constantly, any other nefarious bilge I can think of, you know, the expected dysenterous gushings of a trivial mind, frothing up wad loads of crossing-the-line bull.
* This is all proclaimed with the small disclaimer that my reopening is conditional upon me not getting bored with the whole shebang again.
i thought you were in prison.
Well sort of: marking essays and such like.
I thought that you, being a chess geek and all, were just spending a decent amont of time thinking of your next move. Well played my son.
Thanks Jason
Yea, I promoted into a Queen, but then realised that it wasn't a legal move in the Anglican Communion.
Welcome back young man! Its good to have you back...
Thank you Mark, actually I am surprised you would still speak to me these days, what with all your hob nobbing with the likes of BW3!
Glad to see you're still alive! So did you pick a publisher for the thesis yet?
Fantastic!!! So glad to see you're back!
So. . . how can I get my hands on that dissertation of yours. It is done, right?
Riiiight. And N. T. Wright is just about to publish his big book on Paul as well.
such a nice work.........what u are talking about
i thought you were in prison.
Welcome back!
Michael: Chris' dissertation is paradigm shifting! Great stuff to say the least! But another question is, how do we get our hands on your dissertation?
Thanks Nick, I must look into that!! And thanks for the kind comment on my thesis!
Michael, great to hear from you - and I pose Nick's question, too!
Dan, you Thomas you. It must be all that continental philosophy numbing your faith.
Jonathan, thanks for the comment. Glad to see some interaction with Bauckham on your blog!
Glad you're back and I'm looking forward to your review of DoG.
As a layperson, I have found your blog very helpful and I hope your return is long lasting!
Best wishes
Yep, I'm a big fan of Bauckham (pbuh)
Thanks, Opening Doors, for your kind words
You were gone so long that I wonder if you know that I shut down Levellers and began a new blog, Pilgrim Pathways.
Thanks, Michael, for the update - just added your new blog to my reader.
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