Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Collections of Prayers

I love praying through written prayers. Of course, I have a stable diet of the C of E 'Daily Prayer' plus a few other liturgies, but I mean to refer to collections of just prayers. One of my favourites is by Karl Rahner, Gebete des Lebens. Barth's Gebete is another.

Can you recommend me any others? I would love to expand my library in this direction.


At 2/27/2008 10:45 PM, Anonymous Bob MacDonald said...

I have used the Oxford Book of Prayers extensively for Compline - some astonishing ones in that book. I note that following each psalm in the 5 volume commentary by Neale and Littledale (1876 edition I think) there are collects from the fathers forward related to the psalm content - some quite good.

At 2/27/2008 10:47 PM, Anonymous T. Michael W. Halcomb said...

probably very different than what you're used to and a bit unorthodox but very, very honest (and my favorite written prayer book ever!!!!!): Prayers Plainly Spoken by Stanley Hauerwas. If you get it, please let me know what you think. I'd love to hear your thoughts.

At 2/28/2008 12:42 AM, Anonymous byron smith said...

I love Jüngel's trinitarian prayers.

At 2/28/2008 12:46 AM, Anonymous Drew Tatusko said...

The Prayers of St. Anselm are beautiful.

I also enjoy a book called Lesser Feasts and Fasts from the Episcopalian church.

I like it old school though. Just like my worship music.

At 2/28/2008 1:52 AM, Anonymous dan said...

Brueggemann and Hauerwas have both published nice collections of prayers.

At 2/28/2008 9:38 AM, Anonymous Hugh said...

Do you know the collection "My God My Glory" by Eric Milner White, who was Dean of York last century.

At 2/28/2008 10:15 AM, Anonymous Hendrik said...

Even when it is no book of written prayers I like the "Gebet für die Welt" or "Operation World" as a guide for prayers from Patrick Johnstone.
It gives Knowledge and background for specific prayers.

At 2/28/2008 10:30 AM, Anonymous Rev Tony B said...

Anything from the Iona Community - try the Wee Worship Book for starters. I regularly use their communion service in church.

If you want a different style again, try some of the Celtic stuff from the Northumbria Community - their Celtic Daily Prayer is a big resource, with all sorts of stuff in it. It has quite a different feel to most of the mainstream stuff. Worth a try.

At 2/28/2008 1:11 PM, Anonymous Craig Bennett said...

I loved those Trinitarian prayers Byron. Just what I need to read, pray and do at the moment. Be absorbed into the Trinity


At 2/28/2008 8:40 PM, Anonymous Chris Tilling said...

This is all just what I was asking for. Thank you thank you thank you all. Brilliant. Now I'm really excited.

At 2/28/2008 11:07 PM, Anonymous byron smith said...

Craig - yeah, a friend put me on to them a while ago. We've been using some of them at church too (and one of our catechists has the Brueggemann collection, which he likes to dip into occasionally as well).


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