Online Colloquium with Richard Bauckham

*Holds up hand in charismatic prayer posture and blows at screen*
*Readers of Chrisendom the world over start shaking and fall on the floor. Gold fillings fill thousands of mouths and their household pets manifest while their keyboards run to the nearest stream to be baptised*
Apart from imparting the unction to function, I've returned to the biblical-studies online colloquium with Richard Bauckham. It started on Sunday, and if you would like to join in the discussion or lurk in the background then now is the time to join up.
I need to get to my job of moderating the questions now.
Oh, and my apologies to those of you who have been waiting for e-mail responses from me, I shall try to attend to that today.
What is it about charismatic ministry and gold fillings? As part of my research a few years, i found myself reading reports in the 70s about healing ministry that resulted in fillings being turned gold. As i was doing this reading, i was surprised to discover a number of churches in Australia having a recurrence of this decades old "miracle". But what i want to know is why, if God is going to heal teeth, he doesn't get rid of the fillings altogether!
Shane, there is a simple answer to your question:
You know the Scripture "Open your mouth and I will fill it".
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