'Bye bye' form criticism?

Let me just say this: if Bauckham is right I think we can say bye-bye to form-criticism and its key assumptions. This would have considerable consequences for historical Jesus research!
I do look forward to sharing more about this book when the time comes.
On the comatosal front, I mentioned a few days ago something about the modern tendency in German scholarship to read evpistolh. Cristou/ in 2 Cor 3:3 as an objective genitive. However, as I’ve discovered, this is not new to our Wiener guzzling exegetical freinds. Already in 1969 Mathias Rissi, in his monograph, Studien zum zweiten Korintherbrief, argues that the Corinthian church is a letter of recommendation precisely because Christ, not Paul, is its content. Thus evpistolh. Cristou/, so the argument goes, is an objective genitive in 2 Cor 3:3.
I have pre-ordered a copy of the book. Hopefully I will receive it and be able to finish it off before term restarts in St. Andrews. Then I can ask any questions that I have to Bauckham in person.
Lucky you! I did enjoy my days in St Andrews; we shall have to visit again sometime.
Such a shame that Bauckham is retiring. :-(
"This would have considerable consequences for historical Jesus research" -- yeah, that's an understatement!
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