Existence of heaven proved!

WorldNetDaily reports: New ‘scientific evidence’ that heaven is real
‘Until now’, they observantly point out, ‘heaven has been just a matter of faith’.
But not any more, oh no. No more silly faith when we can prove it:
They continue: ‘a new documentary, “The Evidence for Heaven,” available exclusively through WND’s ShopNetDaily online store, offers scientific evidence for the afterlife’.
Here is a typical stream of thoughts in my brain when confronted with such silly, even if well intentioned, claims:
*aware of my stunned, blank face*
*faith in humanity wilts*
*thinks about becoming an atheist*
*But then remembers Jesus. Feels foolish for atheism thought. Repents*
That’s not all. They also serve a nice helping of dualism to top it off:
‘Is there something beyond this life’, they ask, ‘a spiritual realm of some kind where the soul resides when we lay this body down?’
AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhgghh. NOOOooooooooo! Bad theology, consumerism, naïve epistemology, anti-intellectualism and platonic notions of the soul and heaven - all for the price of one article.
When will the torture end? When will people stop leading me to webpages that DRIVE ME NUTS? You know who you are, and you know it makes me mad. Just the other day, a ‘friend’ told me of a lovely discussion page where one fundamentalist chap had decided to caution the author of the blog for quoting C S. Lewis, ‘for he is not a Christian’, and all because Lewis didn’t fit his own wack-job frigging messed up pile of theological wackiness. I read this ‘scientific proof’ and I want to gouge my eyes out, hide under a bed, swing on a noose, drown in cynicism.
Try having those sort show up to your church! Ahh the curse of pastoring a church in a misunderstood denomination. When they come out at first they love us but then when they see we a) don't subscribe to their particular brand of theological wackiness and b) we really do some out there things this look comes over them and they spend the next year trying to prove you are in error and setting you straight. I even had one chap report me to the denomination as a heretic because I refused to take a dogmatic stance on hell.
Glad I don't have anyone sending me those links, I have a few I like to pop into now and then as a reminder and a few blogs I like to participate in discussions on, but have to watch myself.
Hello Chris,
I would think this about says it all:
"This special, full-length, unedited version of the documentary made for television by Grizzly Adams Productions."
As my old friend Marie used to say; "take it from where it comes."
Chris! Man, you're coming around. Only eight months ago you were fairly restrained in your comments about fundamentalists, even though it was evident you were not one yourself.
Few things can send me off on a passionate tirade like fundamentalism can, and I'm glad to see that your righteous indignation is being set free to fly too. You also make it particularly entertaining with your witty choice of words. :) Rant on, "BROTHER"!
Just the other day, a ‘friend’ told me of a lovely discussion page where one fundamentalist chap had decided to caution the author of the blog for quoting C S. Lewis, ‘for he is not a Christian’...etc
*Feels pain of the demotion to a 'friend'*
*Chuckles at the thought of Chris reading fundie garbage*
So, we can edit Hebrews 11:1 out of the Bible, then.
Poor Frank!
Nice to hear from you, John. Grizzly Adams?!?!
Cheers, David. I used to be restrained on fundamentalism? I hadn't noticed that! But thanks for the encouragement!
Simon, that was largely your fault. Grrr.
Exactly, Guy! Exactly!
"...wack-job frigging messed up pile of theological wackiness."
If you don't mind, I plan on using this statement in my own rants against fundamentalism!
As David said, rant on!
Feel free to use my rant-repertoire, DW!
I can't believe you missed mentioning the great offers on t-shirts available in a link.
'‘Is there something beyond this life’, they ask, ‘a spiritual realm of some kind where the soul resides when we lay this body down?’'
Would that be the place Moses went to after his death, returned from at the Transfiguration, and then went back to?
Of course, nobody believes the stories of Moses 'appearing' to eyewitnesses in the New Testament.
Your pic is wrong. To me it says the rich in their higher levels are having fun over the misery of those below..
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