Küng response to follow Moltmann Symposium
I will get around to responding to your comments, and posting my (of course, utterly devastating) friendly critique of Küng’s position on miracles. I’ve simply been enjoying the company of friends, and today – thanks to a tip from my dear friend, Volker – I shall be visiting a Symposium moderated by none other than Prof. Dr. Jürgen Moltmann. It promises to be a fascinating mini-conference, especially as the subject is one that personally interests me very much: The meaning and hermeneutical function of the biblical canon (Kanonhermeneutik. Vom Lesen und Verstehen der christlichen Bibel)
Here is some more information, if you really want to start salivating with jealousy ...
Until my Küng-rejoinder, I would point my readers to an excellent response to my initial post on Küng by Ben Myers, here (be sure to read the discussion on this one as well).
(Click to enlarge)

Labels: Küng
You know, the more I read these biblio and theology blogs, the more I realize that I will one day need to know German if I plan to go into biblical studies. Great. Greek, Hebrew and German. Lord, have mercy.
I know how you feel, but with time all is possible. If you do a NT theme, it is probable that you won't need Hebrew, at least not straight away, and likewise no Greek if you go OT.
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